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Personalised WhatsApp AI chatbots

We make having an AI chatbot extremely simple with no tech investment at all. It can chat to your customer on Whatsapp, using information from your Google Drive

The AI knows all the customer's information

It's available 24/7 and in any language

It can be customised to look and feel how you want


You're already 'AI ready'!

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Our AI technology is designed to revolutionize the way businesses interact with chatbots. With our user-friendly approach, you can easily integrate RAG chatbots into your communication channels without the need for extensive technical knowledge or resources.


AI in 4 simple steps

You don't need complicated software, just:

1. Upload your docs to Google Drive

Put any documents that you want the customer to have access to on a folder on your google drive. This can be their tenancy contract, or information about the product or service you provide.

2. Share the WhatsApp number with your customer

All they have to do is scan a QR code, or if they've supplied their number, the bot can message them first!

3. The AI will use the docs to answer any question the customer asks

It can even give them a link to the source document, or send the document over in WhatsApp.

It's that simple

4. Customise your bot

As well as answering questions, you can instruct the bot to send links to review your service, or ask the user for feedback.

Or just change the profile picture and give it a cute name, 


Tailored AI Solutions for any industry

We'll create the perfect service for you, no matter what your field. There's no limit to the different ways you can connect to your bot, it can:

Understand email chains

Access data from multiple sources

Chat on Teams, Discord, Telegram, and more...

Harness AI in the most simple way, and reclaim time for what truly matters.

Cheers! We'll get back to you soon

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